الشركات المتوسطة والصغيرة
المنشآت الصناعية والتجارية والخدماتية
المنظمــات غيــر الحكوميــة (النــوادي الرياضيــة ،والثقافيــة الفــرق الخيريــة والجمعيــات المهنية)
مؤسسات القطاع العام مثل الوزارات والأجهزة الحكومية وقطاع الطاقة
Pre Startup Services
A short description of this quality. Make these lines enticing enough to prove that you are the best in all you do.
Manpower selection
Our role includes and not limited to (job descriptions, defining the knowledge and skills and experince required for each positiin and selection of manpower).
Design of maufacured products
Through our expertise we assist our clients in the design and re design of the products. Product design, reliability, cost and reproducibility. Studying specification variables and setting standards and descriptions.
Operating polices assistance
Formulation of operating polices to ensure the effective and safe operation of the facilities. Services includes operating procedures, standing instruction, maintenace procedures, any other related procedures. Definning the training needs and formulation the training procedures and manpower development plans in accordance to the manufacturer requirments.
Elementary design of manufacuring faclity
Our role explaines as to determin the elementary design of manufacuring facilities includes , determing the required area, operation lines runway, working araes, loading unloading araes, storing areas,machine types and capacties and auxlaires required.
Existing Institutions Services
Management of transformation and merger processes.
Management of transformation and modernization processes
Managing sectoral transformation, production and administrative transformation, and proposing appropriate management programs.
Assistance in completing partnerships
Sponsoring partnerships between local companies and assisting institutions looking for partnership with institutions outside the Sultanate, presenting opportunities on both sides and providing advice to the relevant parties.
Management of transformation and modernization processes
Assisting in completing mergers between local companies, assisting institutions looking for partnership with institutions outside the Sultanate, presenting opportunities on both sides, and providing advice to related parties.
Existing Institutions Services
Technical assistance and performance evaluation
Assessing the performance of industrial enterprises.
Assess the financial, administrative and operational performance of the institutions, propose correction and improvement programs, and propose appropriate performance measures and standards.
Assessment of the operating performance and efficiency of human forces
Assessing the collective of manpower effeciency, identifying gaps and strengths, and its impact on the overall performance of the institution, proposing correction programs, and setting adequate KPIs and other monitoring measures.
Assessing the performance and efficiency of administrative systems
Assessing the performance of the institution’s Mangmnent system, including studying the asset management policy (human resources, assets (tangible and intangible), identifying gaps and strengths, and their impact on the general financial performance of the institution, proposing correction programs, and setting appropriate performance measures and standards according to the comprehensive quality management approach.
Assessing the performance and efficiency of the quality control system
Assess the performance of the quality control system followed by the company and align it with the needs of customers, legislative bodies and international systems, and propose appropriate improvement programs and standards for performance monitoring.
Assessing the performance and efficiency of security and safety systems
Assess the performance of the security and safety policy applied by the company and align it with the needs of the institution, legislative bodies and regulations, and propose appropriate improvement programs and standards necessary to monitor performance.
Rehabilitation of institutions to enhance their level of competitiveness
Assist organiztions to restrucure their business stratigies, business goals and help institutions to obtain quality certificates and technical conformity certificates necessary to approve their products and services.
Temporary technical assistance
Managing one or more business line of the organization as a temporary contract for the purposes of training and development for the relevant parties.
Assissting the distressed companies
Assessing the company’s situation, including (evaluating tangible and intangible assets), identifying deficiencies, proposing improvement programs and appropriate performance measures.
Valuation, Advisory Services, Organizing Workshops and Related Seminars
Technical assistance and performance evaluation
Valuation of industrial Assets
valuation of industrial assets according to the valuation systems in force in this sector and preparing valuation reports.
Initial and advanced advisory services
Providing advisory services to industrial establishments in the fields of specialization of the office.
Organizing scientific courses and seminars
Organizing and managing scientific courses and seminars related to the industrial sector in cooperation with relevant institutions.